Achieve Your Goals

To-Do List: Be An Awesome BCBA

Do you have a to-do list? I have about a million lists. I love them. I have also begun to embrace the fact that I don’t do apps or complicated platforms. My system hinges on three things: a notebook, a pen, and a pencil. There are no apps or technology needed. Here are some of my lists.

How to be a BCBA for the Newly Certified (Volume 2)

How to be a BCBA for the Newly Certified (Volume 2)

You’ll soon (if you haven’t already) begin to hear these common sentiments:

“Your field is SO small!”

“Do you know everyone?”

“You know (insert name)?!”

We are all members of an amazing community of individuals who love and practice the science of behavior. It’s such a vast and diverse community but it is also small.